#red bottom mandrill
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the-monkey-ruler ¡ 3 months ago
Hi! Do you know what happened to the movie that was supposed to feature all four of the Celestial Monkeys? Is it out yet? If so, where can I watch it? 🥺 Thank you
It is sadly NOT out yet! And it has been pushed back to 2028 -cries-
I can say with confidence that it has not been canceled as canceled projects do not get updated but here we see that it is just being pushed back again and again. So hopefully that means we might be able to see it in three years or less! But I would say try to look at Douban to see updates as they are pretty constant.
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artemismoorea03 ¡ 8 months ago
Monkies Deserve Better References pt 2
Back with more references!
For the first part see:
Let's start with a bang shall we! Meet Chikao Mahou - the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey!
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Mahou is a Mandrill Baboon and as a result his mask is blue and his ass is red - you know, as his celestial title suggests x'D
Despite how Mahou makes himself look in his 'glamoured' appearance he is actually younger than Wukong! He just gives himself a beard of varying length depending on how desperate he is to make himself look 'wise'. Without the beard he's just an angry twink with issues.
He is one of only two monkeys with short tails which only changes when he has a 'disguised clone' then they will have a long tail and short hair.
Until the fight with Changpu, Mahou had very few scars! Those scars would be the one on his right foot, the smaller cuts on his stomach and ribs, and the wound to his right shoulder. Those wounds all came from his time on Flower Fruit Mountain. For the most part he was able to get away from fights without too many injuries, but of course he couldn't escape forever.
All of the other injuries are from Changpu who literally ripped him apart when he went on his rampage. (Let's be real though, he deserved it).
Next on this list is our most beloved son, Tongbei Tu!
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Tu is the only child of a Rage Demon (the sister to Longwei and Yawen Xun) and the Long Armed Ape Monkey; Tongbei Yuanhou. Yuanhou is the only Celestial Primate known for having a biological child and unfortunately he wasn't the most attentive father to Tu.
Yes, he loved Tu to pieces and when his son needed him he didn't hesitate to step up to some extent, but not enough. As soon as Mahou discovered that Tu existed he manipulated Tu into doing his bidding and convinced him to use the Seven-Star Sword to take out the Seven Sages. Tu managed to kill the Roc Demon Spirit King but not before Roc got a good hit in (the scar in the center of Tu's back).
Tu and his father are both Gibbons meaning their arms are very long and while Gibbons typically don't have tails Tu and Yuanhou do - simply because we learned that fact after we wrote these characters and we love their tails.
Tu is (lovingly) called the Peanut Butter and Jelly Monkey by me (Ari) due to the purple patches on his fur and paler tan marks. Another fun fact about Tu is that he has vitiligo like Pengu!
Tu's father - Tongbei Yuanhou is next!
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Yuanhou was a well known fighter in the Troupe 'army' on Flower Fruit Mountain and was always rather scrappy! Him and Wukong got into trouble as well as got Macaque out of trouble as they were growing up. But when the time came Yuanhou decided to leave on his own and try to figure out what the cause of the empty feeling in his chest was. This lead him to having a whole bunch of mates including the Rage Demon who conceived Tu.
Yuanhou has quite a few scars ranging from his time on FFM, to his journeys, and to the ones that were caused by his own son and Mahou. The deep scar that cut through his left shoulder as well as the one across the center of his back were both caused by the Seven-Star Sword as was ultimately the wound that would have lead to his demise if Pengu hadn't stepped in and offered him and his son a 'Second Chance'.
Yuanhou - like his son - has long arms but his tail is considerably shorter than his sons and he is the only one of the monkeys who actually has facial hair! (Suck it, Mahou you baby faced bitch). Yuanhou never blamed his son for what happened and if Pengu hadn't stepped in would have willingly given his life to free Tu from Mahou's control.
Finally there's Pengu! Who has four references! (They should have more, but I couldn't be bothered x'D) Mostly because I really don't like how they turned out, but I also can't be bothered to try again at this very moment so... yeah. HERE WE GO.
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Pengu - the reincarnation of Pangu the Primordial Primate was born from the Egg of Chaos and separated the Heavens and the Earth. As a result, Pangu's physical body was destroyed and turned into everything. From the moon and sun, to the plants, mountains and animals, but most importantly the vast amount power they had collected over the 18,000 years that they held the Heaven and Earth apart spread out throughout the Mortal and Celestial Realms as well as Underworld (at least in MDB/MAA).
After Pengu was strong enough to take on another physical form they got to work and created the five Celestial Primates to represent and help regulate the different elements.
The Intelligent Stone Monkey - Sun Wukong represented Earth.
The Red Bottomed Horse Monkey - Chikao Mahou was Air.
The Long-Armed Ape Monkey - Tongbei Yuanhou was Water.
The Six-Eared Macaque - Liu'er Mihou was Metal.
and Changpu was meant to be Fire.
Unfortunately, Pengu was far too weak after helping create the five monkeys that they fell into a deep sleep without warning the Celestial Realm about what they had done, so when Wukong hatched the Celestial Realm fell into chaos.
By the time the Celestial Realm got around to investigating Mahou and Yuanhou had already hatched but they found a fourth egg. They thought it was the last egg and removed it from FFM. However, they missed Macaque's egg all together. As a result Changpu was born early at half-power and Macaque been left alone.
Pengu didn't properly wake up for centuries, not until after Wukong had been locked under Five-Phases Mountain. It was Pengu's insisting that helped convince Guanyin and the Jade Emperor that Wukong deserved another chance and they allowed him to go on his journey.
After that Pengu kept getting woken up for the smallest thing involving the monkeys or 'major' issues which became more and more frequent. Which wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that Pengu holds the realms together and needs to sleep for 18,000 or the realms will fall apart. To get sleep Pengu will often teleport themselves somewhere more peaceful or teleport to somebody they can trust such as Nezha, Xuannu, Chang'e's Moon Garden or FFM. They're eventually found and bothered again though.
Pengu is technically a Gorilla and as a result has a small 'nub' tail as well as large hands, broad shoulders and a rather big head. Pengu is unique in the fact that out of the Celestial Primates they are the only one with horns and they're the only one without a biological sex. Yep, you read that right, Pengu is gender-less. Typically they use they/them pronouns but they also don't truly understand concept so they can be called anything. (Hell, they sometimes refer to themselves as 'it' just to throw people off because they find it hilarious).
Pengu is easily the strongest in the Celestial Realm, even stronger than the Jade Emperor! They have all of the powers that the Celestial Primates have (because they gave them their powers because *genetic shit*) but because they're also just a sleepy little guy they have to hide themselves rather than depend on fighting. The way they do this is shift their appearance to a verity of ages and sizes to help hide them or intimidate those around them to back the hell off. Their favorite forms is that of a 6-Year-Old which leaves them compact enough to hide and allows them to collect the most energy, and a second form that is around the same age as their "children" which helps them get taken more seriously.
Pengu can also change or hide most of their vitiligo markings with the only one that they can't change being the heart-shaped one on their chest. Pengu is the only primate other than Tu that has vitiligo and is also the only Primate to not possess any scars!
Well, that's all for now, I want to finish the last couple before I post the next part of this :3
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angryscottishburd ¡ 2 years ago
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Had a little fun with the Monkie Kid OC maker on Picrew. Decided to make my version of the Red-Bottomed Mandrill. Her name is Lihua and she has the power of yin & yang manipulation. She can be seen as quite childish and very mischievous. Despite that, she cares deeply for her friends and knows when to be serious. Lihua is also in love with Wukong, who calls her Lulu. :) 
Oh, I DID edit some parts of this pic. Just to neaten it a bit. :) 
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pageofheartdj ¡ 3 years ago
So I take that Avatar AU and what do I do? Make spiritual monkeys lore cause of course I do XD (btw their appearance and names are the same xD)
They are a combination from human world and spirit world. They are created in spirit world and are sent to be born in human world with a straight connection to spirit world and can live wherever they want, exlporing their nature and powers.
So the first monkey to appear is Mandrill in Water Tribe, when humans didn’t learn their bending yet. He doesn’t really likes them so he leaves to live in spirit world. (I also kinda decided to give them dual elements. Kinda mix of powers, spiritual connections and what Iroh described with the nations.) So he is earth and fire, air being his weakness.
The next one is Gibbon, in Fire Nation. When people already learnt their bending and were pretty much peaceful as separate nations. He stayed with them for a bit but quickly grew bored and left to spirit world as well. He and Mandrill later get together <3 (oh and also time goes differently in spirit world. Sometimes slower, sometimes faster, it’s a weird place xD) His elements are air and water with earth being the weakness.
The next one is Macaque(let’s pretend Liu Er Mihou isnt just a translation for the convenience xD). He was born in Air Temple. Unfortunately very close to the beginning of the war. Unlike previous monkeys he likes humans but was forced into hiding in spirit world because of the war, basically witnessing the beginning of slaughter. His elements are earth and water, with fire as weakness.
And the last one is Wukong being born in Earth Kingdom after 100 years of war and avatar’s final return. His elements are fire and air, and water is his weakness. He loves humans and loves his human family.
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mexcraziness-art ¡ 4 years ago
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Monkie Kid: The Great 5 Okay so, my Pride Month drawing isn't even half-way done, but a friend had an idea on twitter so I quickly slapped this up, if my next upload isn't the Pride Month drawing someone teleport on me and beat me up please... Anyway, here are my take on the (4) 5 Spiritual Monkeys! :3 In order: Xie Pingheng - The Red Bottomed Mandrill The Six Eared Macaque MK - The Cosmic Monkey Sun Wukong - The Intelligent Stone Monkey Liang Xingti - The Long Armed Gibbon Art by @mexcraziness-art
Monkie Kid belongs to Lego
Xie Pingheng and Liang Xingti belongs to @mexcraziness-art
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sunwukongssuccessor ¡ 2 years ago
1. Your fics are lovely and it's damn impressive how your able to consistently update them all.
2. If you had a choice what character (and or outfit) from either the lego toy line or other jttw properties would you like to see in lmk?
Thanks, that means a lot to me!
I legit don't know, it would be cool to see the other spiritual monkeys like the Red Bottomed Mandrill and the Long Armed Gibbon but I'm super in love with Mex's designs and characterizations for them that I couldn't really bare to see it taken over by anything else lolol
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rainbow-beanie ¡ 3 years ago
Okay hear my put shadowpeach au Wukong gets pregnant with twins but plot twist the twins are the other 2 spiritual/celestial monkeys The Red Bottom Mandrill and The Long Armed Gibbon. Just a little food for thought because they're both mentioned in the macaque chapter and it could be a hint from buddha. Idk the idea is probably kinda silly with not much base.
Ps: you don’t need to reply if you don’t what to or think this is stupid.
Nah, this idea is actually pretty cool! @pageofheartdj I know you’re busy with toh stuff right now, but what do you think of this?
i really like the twist that wukong would give birth to the finale spiritual monkeys, even more so if they keep the same coloration of one of their parents, the red bottom mandrill having black fur like macaque, and the long armed gibbon having golden/orange fur like wukong
Thank you for the ask! It makes me very happy 😊
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harveylikestoart ¡ 4 years ago
Did some monkey designing! Mostly for Monkie Kid heh heh
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I’ll go through the research and designing process as best I can
Journey To The West doesn’t really go into detail about the other two spiritual primates just that they’re close in power to Sun Wukong and The Six Eared Macaque! Anything else I could deduct was probably just from the names!
Keep in mind I bullshitted most of the costuming.
I’ll start with Red Bottom Horse Monkey as that was the first one I designed!
Quick deduction led me to the conclusion that a baboon would be the best pick for the design (mandrills didn’t fit at all because I wanted something closer to China and or around India) so I found Hamadryas Baboons which... was close I guess? There was probably a better option if I researched harder but my brain kept overloading. Also I enjoyed the contrast with the shape of the head compared to Macaque and Wukong.  I really enjoyed the Hamadryas’ fur silhouette so I just applied it for their like cape thingie
With Long Armed Ape Monkey I lost it.
The problem with finding monkeys close to descriptions is when I don’t know what its going to look like. When I saw the GIBBON I lost my god damn mind. The arm to body length ratio made me almost sick because things with super odd anatomy makes me feel ill. Anyways onto designing and research.  So yes I found the gibbons and asked my close friends on their opinions. I gave them the information that traditionally (according to wikipedia) gibbons are seen to be gentlemanly ig. Whether it is true or not my friends chose two options, the Northern White-Crested Gibbon and the Western Hoolock Gibbon (because of the fancy eyebrows) and the latter won when designed because the hair is flattened down compared to Macaque and Wukong. I could not stand drawing the actual arms so I gave ‘em long sleeves and they would most likely stretch and hit stuff like Ring Ring’s thing from Pucca!
Also gave them a cape!
so yeah thats my design and research process ig! If anything is offensive PLEASE DO TELL ME
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hockeynascarfan91258 ¡ 4 years ago
A/N: Links to Chapter 1-3 posted at bottom of page!
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Chapter 4
It had been a few days since Eden left Sids after they raped her.    She called out sick from work she couldn't face them.    The team was headed out to California and Eden asked if she could fly out and meet the team there.    They said that was fine.     Eden went out a day early and did some sight seeing.       It was nice.     The team arrived later that day.     She had just gotten finished eating when there was a knock at the door.    Eden goes and sees it was Sid.
"Eden please open the door." Sid says.
He had carnations her favorite in his hands and a stuffed Panda bear too.   Eden figured she might as well hear him out.    She opens the door.  
"What Sid?" Eden says.
"I am sorry for what I did to you the other day." Sid says.
"Oh you mean raping me when I said no." Eden replies snarky.
"Yes I am sorry baby.   It will never happen again.     Kris is sorry too these are from us." Sid says.
"Look let's just let by gones be bygones.   I  won't say anything about what happened.   I won't tell your secret." Eden says.
"Please baby.    Think about it.    We really do love you." Sid says.
"Okay I will think about it okay." Eden says.
"Good baby.    We love you and don't want to loose you." Sid says.
"I will think about it okay.   Now I just want to go lie down.   I am not feeling well." Eden says.
"Okay feel better." Sid says kissing her softly on the lips.
"Thanks Sid.   Goodnight I will see you at practice tomorrow." Eden replies.
"Okay baby." Sid says kissing her head.
Eden took the flowers and Panda and shut the door behind him.    She wasn't thinking about anything she was walking out of this and going to be with Chase.  
That was when her phone went off. It was Chase.
"Meet me down in the lobby." Chase texts.
"Wait you're here!" Eden texts back.
"Yup got a race here in Cali and then racing Phoenix and Vegas." Chase says.
"Let me change and I'll be right down." Eden says.
She throws on a pair of jeans and a black be brave shirt.    She then heads down to the lobby.
Chase was standing there waiting for her. She runs to him.
"Chase." Eden exclaims practically jumping on him.
"Hey princess." Chase says kissing her.
Eden kisses back not caring who was watching.
"I'm so happy you are here." Eden says.
"I am happy too I get too see my girl. Now let's go I have a special date planned just the two of us." Chase says.
They link hands and head out to them rental car. They both get in. Chase takes off towards San Diego.
"Where are we going?" Eden asks.
"You will see." Chase says smiling at her.
45 minutes later they arrive at the zoo.
"The San Diego Zoo!" Eden  says excitedly.
'Well I know how much you love animals especially pandas so I figured I needed to bring you." Chase  says.
They park. They then head to the entrance. Chase  pays for them them. They find out there was a bus called the Kangaroo Bus that would drop them off at various parts of the park. They get on the bus and it takes them to the first part of the zoo. The Australian Outback. Inside there they see the Australian Wander which was full of plants that come from down under, along with Camels, Koalas. Laughing Kookabura's, Tasmanian Devils and Wombats.
It was fun. They got to hold a koala, play with a kangaroo and ride a camel together.
Eden was taking all kinds of pictures.
From there they head into the Lost Forest exhibit,. There they see Bog Garden, Bonabo's , Fern Canyon, Flamingos, Ginger Garden, harpy eagels, Hawaiian pants, Hippo's, Mandrills, Monkey's, Okapi's, orangutans, Otter's and pygmy Hippos pygmy marmosets, Tapirs, terrace lagoon, and Tigers.
"I want a hippo for Christmas is one of my favorite Xmas songs so I love hippos." Eden says.
"They are intriguing animals." Chase says.
They continue on. They were holding hands and acting like a real couple and Eden was loving it. They then get on the Kangaroo bus and head to the nest spot for them. They then do the Panda Canyon, where they see Amur Leopard's, Giant Panda's red pandas and Takins.
"Pandas are my absolute favorite animal in the whole wide world." Eden says.
"I know now come with me." Chase says.
They head behind the habitat where they met a zookeeper. Chase paid extra for them to be able to play with one of the panda's. It was one of the Cubs born not that long ago. Also Eden was adopting it and could name it. Eden was having the time of her life. Chase had them take picture and a video. She ended up naming the bear Chase. Finally they leave.
"Thank you for doing that for me. I love it." Eden says.
"I am glad baby." Chase says.
That was when Eden ran to the trash can and threw up. Chase held her hair back. He also got her ginger Ale.
"Do you want to go home?" Chase asks.
"Nope I'm okay now." Eden says.
They then head to the Africa Rocks where they got to see and play with the penguins.
They head around the zoo seeing more different animals. They saved the best for last where Eden  got to see the polar bears another one of her favorites. It was neat to see them out playing. Eden  took more pictures.    Finally they headed to the gift shop and Eden got a few things. Chase got her a few things as well and they left.
"Thank you Clyde for a much needed fun day." Eden says.
"You are welcome Princes." Chase says.
"Our first official date." Eden says.
"And it's not over yet." Chase says.
They hop in the car and head back towards Los Angeles.    Chase heads to Disneyland and parks.
"Disneyland baby?" Eden asks.
"But of course. Have to take my Princess to the happiest place on earth." Chase replies.
"I love you." Eden says.
"I love you more princess." Chase replies kissing her hand.
He then gets out of the car and gets her door. Eden gets out and they head to Disneyland hand in hand. They head inside and   stop first at Sleeping Beauty's castle and have someone take a picture of them in front.   
They got a few different ones including of one of them kissing.   After that they head to start riding rides.   They  get on Alice and Wonderland, Astro Orbiter, Autopia, Big Thunder Mountain, Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters, Casey Jr. Circus Train, Chip and Dale's tree house, the Disney Gallery, Disney Railroad, The Disneyland Story presenting Great moments with Mr. Lincoln, Donald's Boat, Enchanted Tiki Room, Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, Frontierland Shootin' Exposition, Gadget's Go Coaster, Goofy's playhouse, Indiana Jones adventure, It's a small world, Jungle Cruise, King Arthur's Carrousel, Mad Tea Party, Main Street Cinema, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Mark Twain Riverboat, Matterhorn Bobsleds, Mickey's house and meet Mickey, Minnie's house, Mr. Toads Wild Ride, Peter Pan's Flight, Pincchio's Darin Journey, Pirates Lair on Tom Sawyers Island, Pirates of the Caribbean, Roger Rabbits Car Toon Spin, Snow Whites Scary adventure, Space Mountain, Star Tours The Adventure continues, Star wars Launch Bay, Star Wars Path of the Jedi, Storybook land canal boats, Tarzan's treehouse, Dumbo the flying elephant, Haunted Mansion, Main street vehicles, Splash Mountain, Davey Crockett's Explorer canoes, and Sailing Ship Colombia.  
"I am hungry." Eden says after they finished riding the rides.
"Me too." Chase  replies.
"Let's  eat and then we can continue on." Eden  says.
"Sounds good.:" Chase  says.
They decide to eat at the Carnation CafÊ.    They both get burgers and fries and milkshakes.    After they eat they head and do a few shows.   They do a Star Wars Character Experience and then they do Jedi Training.   That was fun they then meet fairy friends at Pixie Hallow and meet the Disney princess at Royal Hall. Chase took a few pictures of Eden. He got a her few things. He figured for Halloween she could be a princess and he would be a race car driver.
They  continue on and get on Animation Academy, Fliks Flyers, Francis Ladybug Boggie, Golden Zephyr, Goofy's sky school, Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout, Heimlich's chew chew train, it's tough to be a bug, Jumpin Jellyfish, King Triton's carousel, The Little Mermaid: Ariel's undersea adventure, Luigi's Rollickin Roadsters, Maters Junkyard Jamboree, Monsters Inc. Mike and Sully to the rescue, Princess Dot Puddle Park, Radiator Springs racers, Red car trolley, Silly Symphony Swings, Soarin around the world, Sorcerers workshop, Toy Story Midway Mania, Tuck and Rolls Drive em buggies, Turtle Talk with Crush, The Bakery Tour, California Screamin, Games of the Boardwalk, Grizzly River run, Mickey's Fun Wheel, Redwood Creek Challenge trail, Frozen at Disneyland resort, and Guardians of the Galaxy: Monsters after dark.
They then head and see Ana and Elsa's Royal Welcome, Frozen Live at Hyperion, Meet Olaf, and Meet the Residents of Radiator Springs in Cars land.
Finally, they head back to the car and head to Universal Studios.   They go inside and get on rides.   They ride on Harry Potter and the Forbidden journey, The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter, Flight of the Hippogrif, Fast and the Furious Supercharged, King Kong 360, The Walking Dead attraction, Despicable Me Minion Mayhem, Jurassic Park the ride, Transformers The ride, The Simpson Ride, Revenge of the Mummy Ride, Super Silly Fun Land, Sill Swirly Fun Ride, Special Effects show, Water World, Universal's animal actors, and Charter sightings.
They finish everything they wanted to do at the park before heading back to the car.
They then head back to the car and back to the track. Chase  had something special planned for them. He had it set up and ready to go.
"What's this?" Eden says seeing a table set up for two.
"Dinner for two baby." Chase says.
"Awww Clyde." Eden says kissing him.
Chase kisses back. He then helps her sit down.
He goes and heats up their food. He had made chicken parmigiana and noodles along with a salad. When it was done he sits it in the table and then takes his seat. They each take a piece of chicken and some noodles.   They then add a little bit more sauce to each before sprinkling it with parmesan cheese.   They put some salad in their salad bowls and add the dressing.   Chase pours them each a glass of wine.
Eden takes a bite of the food and then says
"Oh my god it tastes as good as it smells."
"Thanks.   The sauce is my mothers homemade recipe." Chase  says.
"Well it's good." Eden  says.
They eat and enjoy each others company.   Once they finished Eden helped Chase  clean up and put the leftovers away and load the dishwasher.
"The flowers are for you." Chase says to her.
"Thank you Clyde.  Carnations are my favorite flower and pink is my favorite color." Eden  says.
"I know baby." Chase says.
"So wha are we going to watch?" Eden  asks.
"Since  I know how much you love scary movies I have the Conjuring universe movies ready to go." Chase replies.
"Lead the way." Eden says.
Chase lead her to the game room.   They both sit on the couch as Chase turns on the Nun.   The movie starts.    Not even five minutes into it Chase jumps at a scary part.
"Damn." Chase says.
"You really hate scary movies don't you?" Eden asks.
"Yes I do.    But I will watch them because I know you like them." Chase says.
"Well I will keep you safe Clyde." Eden says.
"I know." Chase says as another scary part happens.
They movie went on.   Eden felt him get a little tense and knew he was scared so she leaned in a little closer trying to comfort him.   Chase puts his arm around her pulling her closer to him.  She leaned her head on his shoulder.  
It got to the part where the priest was buried A alive.    Chase started to shake.   That was one of his phobias being trapped someplace not being able to get out.   He was claustrophobic.
"Oh Chase." Eden says leaning in placing a soft kiss on his lips.
She would do anything at that moment to make him feel better.   She never experienced a man so vulnerable.
Chase kisses back putting his hands on each side of her cheeks.  Eden parts her lips slightly.   Chase deepens the kiss exploring her mouth with his tongue.
"Mmm." Chase moans deep in his throat.
"Mmm." Eden moans too.
"God Princess ." Chase says once they both come up for air.
"You are a good kisser Clyde." Eden says.
"So are you Princess." Chase replies.
  She looks deep into his eyes and sees a bunch of emotion swirling in them.
Chase leans in kissing her again pulling her all but into his lap.   His hands roam up the back of her shirt setting her skin on fire. 
"God Clyde take me to bed." Eden moans when he let her up for air again.
"God baby are you sure?" Chase asks.
"God yes." Eden says she wanted him so bad.
Chase picks her up carrying her into his bedroom.   He sits her on her feet closing the door.    Once the door was closed Eden pushes him up against it.
"Eden." Chase moans.
"I want you and I am going to take you." Eden says.
"I want you too." Chade says.
She starts to lift his shirt up placing soft kisses along his chest as she does.
"Fuck." Chase moans.
Once she gets the shirt up and and over his she throws it to the floor.
"You have the most amazing body Clyde." Eden says running her nails lightly down his chest to the band of his jeans.
"Thanks Princess oh god." Chase moans as she pops open the button and pulls the zipper down running her finger up his happy trail.
She works the jeans down his hips kissing his stomach with light fluttery kisses as she does.  Chase just moans.
She then works his boxer briefs down as well freeing his rock hard cock.   Eden licks her lips.  She places soft kisses on his stomach again before running her tongue down his happy trail.   She places soft kisses on each thigh before slowly taking his cock into her mouth.
"Fuck Eden." Chase moans running his fingers through her hair.
She sucks him in nice and slow running her tongue along the underside of his shaft.   She looks up locking eyes with him.   She keeps sucking him in and out of her mouth slowly.
"Fuck Eden that's it suck my dick baby." Chase moans gently pulling her hair as he starts to thrust.
Eden kept going slowly torturing him bringing him to the verge of cumming.
"God baby I am going to cum." Chase moans he didn't know what she wanted.
Eden gently starts to play with his balls never taking her eyes off him.
"Princess oh god." Chase moans as he cums hard down her throat.
Eden swallows every drop before slowly licking him clean.   She then slowly works her way back up his body pulling him in for a kiss.   She explores every inch of his mouth with her tongue letting him taste himself on her lips and tongue.   Chase slowly backs her towards the bed.  He breaks the kiss long enough to pull her shirt over her head tossing it.
"Jesus Eden that bra." Chase moans seeing it.
He pulls one strap down kissing her shoulder as he does.  Then kisses the other as he pulls that strap down.   He sucks and licks the tops of each breast peaking out from the cup.   He pulls the cups down taking one in his mouth running a circle around her nipple with his tongue before sucking on it gently nibbling on it bringing it to a peak.
"Clyde." Eden moans running her fingers in his hair.  
Chase moves to the other breast doing the same thing.   He slowly unclasps the bra pulling it off tossing it aside as well.    He then kisses softly down her stomach to the band of her jeans. 
He uses his teeth to pop open the button lightly nibbling on her belly as he slowly inches them down her hips and legs. Eden steps out of them kicking off her shoes.
"God baby those panties.  God so wet." Chase moans running his mouth over her pussy smelling her juices.
He then slowly works them down over her hips and down her legs.     Eden kicks them off.   He then slowly kisses his way up her legs placing a kiss on each thigh.   He blows cool breath across her mound as she slowly spreads her legs.   He runs his tongue up and down her slit before pushing inside starting to fuck her with his tongue. 
Not long after he started Eden gently pulls his hair pulling him away from her.
"Fuck me Clyde." Eden  says all but begging him.
"God okay baby."  Chase says kissing his way up her body.   He picks her up kissing her letting her taste her on his lips and tongue and gently lays her down on the bed.
"God please Clyde I need you inside me now." Eden moans.
"God baby." Chase moans as he gently pushes inside her.
"God yes." Eden moans as he starts to thrust gently at first.
He wanted to go slow letting her adjust to his size.   She was so tight and wet.
"Jesus Eden you feel so good.  Like a glove." Chase moans.
"God fuck me Clyde hard and fast." Eden moans digging her nails into his back.
Chase moves a little harder and faster.   Eden wraps her legs around his waist letting him go deeper inside her.
"Eden oh god." Chase moans going even harder.
"Clyde god that's it." Eden moans as he stretched her even further.
She throws her head back arching into him.  It felt so good.
"God baby I am not going to last." Chase moans
"Cum baby let me feel it." Eden monas.
"Eden sweet Eden." Chase moans looking deep into her eyes as he cums hard deep inside her.
"Clyde oh god." Eden moans shuttering as her orgasm rushes through her.
She cums with him feeling him coat her insides.   She just moans as her body shutters from the pleasure.
Chase kisses her gently on the lips and then the jaw and neck as they ride it out.   
"God Clyde again  I need you again." Eden moans.
She just wanted to feel that good again and not think about anything.
"Okay Eden but this time it will be nice and slow." Chase says.
"Please." Eden begs.
Chase starts to move again inside her taking it nice and slow.
"Eden god." Chase moans loving being inside her.
"Clyde god." Eden moans as he slowly builds her up.
"So close." Eden moans.
"Cum baby." Chase moans.
"Clyde." Eden moans as she cums.
"That's it baby milk my release." Chase moans as he cums again inside her.
They make love a few more times before Eden's eyelashes started to flutter.   Chase gets up.
"Where are you going?" Eden asks sleepily.
"Shhh baby I will be back." Chase says kissing her softly on the lips.
He goes into the bathroom grabbing a wash cloth wetting it with warm water.   He then comes over and gently wipes her down cleaning her.
He goes and tosses the rag in the hamper and then climbs into bed beside her.   She curls up to him laying her head on his chest.   Chase pulls the blanket up over them kissing her head as they both fall asleep.
The next morning Eden and Chase woke up when the alarm went off.
"Good morning baby:" Chase says.
"Good morning, oh god." Eden says getting up and running to the bathroom.
She made it just in time to empty her stomach in the toilet. Chase was right behind her. She got her everything up. Chase then picks her up gently and carries her back to bed.
"Sorry baby." Eden says.
"For what?" Chase asks.
"Getting sick." Eden replies.
"It's okay." Chase replies.
"I need to go back. I have to change before I head to practice." Eden replies.
"Yeah I know. I am glad I was able to see you." Chase says.
"Me too I will try and make the race on Sunday." Eden adds.
Chase smiles. He gives her a few shirts from his collection. They then head to the car and head back to Eden's hotel.
"I will see you later princess. I love you." Chase says.
"I will see you later Clyde. I love you too." Eden replies.
They share a few more kisses not wanting to part ways. But finally Eden heads inside and up to her room. She showered and got dressed and then heads down to the bus. Once everyone was on they head to the arena. Eden goes and gets the exam room set up in case they would need it for anything. That was when she felt arms snake around her waist.
"Hey baby, I missed you last night." Sid says.
"Hi Sid. Sorry I was so tired. Still getting used to the time change." Eden replies lying.
She didn't know what he would do if he knew she was with Chase. She was scared of him. It sucked cus she had a contract and had to work with the Penguins until the end of the 2021 season. Even though she wanted to quit.
"I know it can take effect on you but you will get used to it." Sid says.
"I know. Don't you have practice?" Eden asks.
" I do but I wanted to know if you were doing anything after?" Sid asks.
"No I don't. Sunday I am going to the NASCAR race before the game that night. But nothing today." Eden replies.
"Okay maybe I can come to your room, we can order room service and watch movies." Sid says.
"Okay." Eden says.
"Good see you then." Sid replies.
"Is Kris coming too?" Eden asks.
"Nope just me this time." Sid says.
"Okay." Eden replies.
Sid kisses her and leaves to attend practice. Eden grabs a little something from the snack bar and goes and watches practice. Halfway through Kris took a high stick to the face and there was blood.
"I got it." Eden says.
Kris comes down the runway and into the exam room. Eden follows him in. Kris was sitting on the table.
"Damn that hurt like a son of a bitch." Kris says.
"Sorry Kris." Eden says dabbing the blood away with a towel.
"It's okay. Is it bad?" Kris asks.
"Yes going to need stitches but shouldn't keep you out of the game tomorrow." Eden says.
"Good." Kris says.
Eden stitches him up. Kris puts his hand over hers.
"Thank you. Sorry for the other day Eden. Are you okay?" Kris asks.
"Yeah I'm okay. And your welcome it's my job." Eden says.
"I know. Im still thankful for you." Kris says.
"I know. I don't know what's going to happen between us but I promise I won't tell anyone about you and Sid. I just don't think I can do this. It took me to moving away and being away from him to realize how much I love Chase." Eden says.
"I know I can tell. Look if you want out that is fine. I know you won't tell anyone about me and Sid but I don't know if Sid will let you go." Kris says.
"I know." Eden says.
"Did you ever love us?" Kris asks.
"I loved you Kris you never hurt me.   Sid in the other hand." Eden says looking down.
"I'm sorry he hurt you Eden." Kris says lifting her head up.
He leans in and kisses her.    Eden kisses back.
"God." Eden moans as she pulls away.
"Go lock the door." Kris says.
Eden goes and locks the door.     She comes back over and climbs into his lap.
"God." Eden moans as he shreds her panties.
"I like skirts." Kris says.
"God." Eden moans as Kris pushes up into her.
"Ride me pretty girl. You know you want to." Kris says.
"God Kris." Eden moans as she starts to move up and down.
"That's it pretty girl." Kris says grabbing her hips.
They needed to be faster. Kris took control of their movements. Eden bit her arm throwing her head back to keep from screaming out. Kris nips and sucks her neck as they move.
"Eden fuck." Kris calls out as he cums hard deep inside of her.
"Kris. "Eden moans out as she cums with him.
They ride it out and Kris picks her up off of him. He stands up and fixes himself.
Kris then kisses her head before walking out the door. Eden collected herself. She then cleans up the exam room and prepared it from the game tomorrow. She then heads out and gets on the bus.
Once all the boys were on board they all head back to the hotel. Eden goes up to her room. She changes into her new Chase Elliott shirt and a pair of lounge pants. She wasn't feeling the greatest. She was laying down when there was a knock at her door. She gets up and opens it. Sid was there with room service and flowers.
"Come in." Eden says letting him in.
"Thanks." Sid says kissing her cheek.
Eden shuts the door.
"What did you bring?" Eden asks.
"Chicken noodle soup and ginger ale. Because I know you said you weren't feeling good." Sid says.
"I am not." Eden replies.
"I am sorry. Well let's eat and then we can relax and watch something on Netflix or something." Sid says.
Eden nods her head yes. So far it was going okay and she wasn't afraid. This was the Sid she started dating. They ate the soup and Eden nibbled the saltines. She sipped the ginger ale. Finally they laid in bed and Eden turned on Netflix. She turned on Sweet Home Alabama one of her favorite movies. She started to think about Chase. This movie was the story of their lives. Sid started to kiss her. Eden kisses back closing her eyes. As they were making out Sid runs his hands down her body. He runs them down her pants and under wear rubbing her pussy before sticking a finger in.
"Hmm nice and wet for me pretty girl." Sid says.
"Yes." Eden moans. She was pretending it was Chase.
"Want me to fuck you pretty girl?" Sid asks.
"Please." Eden begs.
Sid slides her pants and panties off followed by his jeans and boxer briefs. He then hovers over her running his tip along her entrance.
"Soaking for daddy." Sid moans.
"God don't tease." Eden begs.
Sid pushes into her and starts to move thrusting hard and fast.
"Fuck baby." Sid moans as she moves with him.
She wrapped her legs around his waist letting him go deeper.
"God." Eden moans digging her nails into his back.
She still had her eyes closed pretending it was Chase fucking her.
"That's it pretty girl milk my cock baby get ready to take my cum." Sid moans.
"GOd." Eden moans she was almost there.
"Fuck Eden god." Sid moans as he cums hard pumping her pussy full of his cum.
"Clyde oh god Clyde." Eden calls out as she cums too.
"What the fuck did you just call me?" Sid shouts slapping her.
Eden's eyes flashed open and she realized that by her fantasizing about Chase she called out his name.
"Umm." Eden says.
"Did you call me Clyde? Were you thinking about another man while I was fucking you." Sid screams at her.
Eden was so scared she didn't know what to say.
"Answer me you ungrateful ass whore." Sid screams.
"Yes I am so disgusted by you and how you treat me that in order for me to even attempt to have sex I have to think about Chase so I can get off." Eden screams out pushing him off of her.
She gets up off the bed. She was going to hide in the bathroom or something. She had her cell phone.
"You fucking whore. Don't you ever push me again or I will rip your hair out and choke you with it." Sid yells grabbing her hair pulling her back to him.
"Ow you are hurting me." Eden says.
"You think I fucking care. I hope it hurts. Remeber I am the only guy besides Kris who can cum in your sweet pussy. We are the only ones who can fuck you." Sid says.
"Fuck off Sid. I want out of this. I can't stand you. I fucking hate you. Get out." Eden screams turning around wailing out on him.
"You want to hit me bitch. I am going to show you." Sid says.
He picks her up throwing her back into the mirror glass shattering. He bashes her head against it not caring that it busted her head open. He then throws her down onto the floor throwing the mirror down on top of her covering her in glass.
"I will kill you before I ever let you leave." Sid says.
"Please I need help." Eden cries out.
"Fuck that bleed for all I care. If I can't have you no one will." Sid says as he kicks her hard.
Eden whimpers. Sid then leaves the room door slamming behind him. Eden still had her cell phone. It took everything in her to dial his number.
"Hey Princess." Chase says answering on the first ring.
"Chase help. I am hurt." Eden says.
"Eden? Where are you?" Chase asks panicked.
"Hotel Chase. Hurry." Eden says before she blacked out.
"Hang tight princess. I am coming to get you." Chase says.
You ever love somebody so much
You can barely breathe, when you're with them, you meet
And neither one of you, even know what hit 'em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling, yeah them chills, used to get 'em
Now you're getting fucking sick, of looking at 'em
You swore you've never hit 'em, never do nothing to hurt 'em
Now you're in each other's face,
Spewing venom in your words, when you spit 'em
You push, pull each other's hair, scratch, claw, bit 'em
Throw 'em down, pin 'em, so lost in the moments, when you're in 'em
It's the rage that took over it controls you both
So they say it's best, to go your separate ways
Guess that they don't know ya 'cause today, that was yesterday
Yesterday is over, it's a different day
Sound like broken records, playin' over, but you promised her
Next time you'll show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo game, but you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave
Out the window, guess that's why they call it window pane
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright, because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright, because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
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vandyhere ¡ 4 years ago
AN: Okay, so I haven’t been writting for a long time, however I wanted to give it a go and write something sweet and short to try and warm myself up to writing.
It’s my first time writing a fanfiction short, so I am anxious about it, because I have no idea how some people might react to it. I sended this story to a friend of mine, who writes as well and they said that they had tears in their eyes.
It involves my OC from kataow and our beloved mandril Scalemagne/Hugo Oak. I am still slowly working to get the character together and there might still be changes to her. Do let me know what you guys think of it.
I hope you guys like it... ^w^;
Fia and Hugo took deep breaths, looking into each others eyes. Hugo chuckled and Fia smiled at him, feeling relieved her old friend managed to get back to being good. She noticed him leaning in closer and she started to slowly lean to meet in the middle…
 It hit Hugo’s muzzle, and Fia felt a small splash on her nose. They looked up, noticing that the early starry night was now covered with dark clouds. The wind picked up and it slowly started to rain more. Mutes and humans ran from the rain and some managed to get under a roof or a leaf and waited there for rain to end.
 Hugo carried Fia bridal-style quickly under a roof, before the rain soaked them wet. Once there both of them started giggling, before bursting out with laughter. They laughed for a couple minutes, before they stopped.
 He looked at Fia as she leaned against a cement pillar. Her pretty dress wore markings from rain, her shoulders and cheeks were flushed red along with her neck fur looking like wet mop.
She was a mess, but His beautiful mess.
 He was happy that after a couple months they managed to get back together as lovers. He sighed, thinking of those times when Fia wasn’t around. He admitted to her weeks back that he missed her during that time, to which she replied that she felt worried for him.
How did I get that lucky? He pondered, still looking at her.
 Fia looked at Hugo, noticing the look he was giving her. It was a look full of love, admiration and wonder. She looked away, feeling shy. Fia always admired his eyes, since they’re much bigger and prettier than she remembered 2 years ago. She felt heat radiating from nearby and looked at the source. Hugo was leaning against the pillar, his hands next to her head, looking straight in her eyes. Fia is struck by his dark brown eyes, feeling his stare at her lips. He was leaning in closer and she leaned a bit closer to meet in the middle.
 The kiss was soft, a couple seconds long, but as soon as they stopped, they felt a strong urge pulling them closer for more. From soft kisses it turned into a heavy make-out session, Fia leaning with her back against the pillar for support, while giving her arms on his shoulder and around his torso. One of Hugos hands went to her waist, behind her back, while the other went over her bottom and under her upper leg, lifting it up onto his waist.
 They stopped kissing, before Hugo kissed her cheek and started to trail kisses down to her neck. Fia quietly gasped from surprise, but it was replaced by her quiet moan from feeling goosebumps across her arms. Her wings opened fast, making a ‘whoosh’ sound, before they shook like a leaf on water.
” Hugooo~.” Fia quietly moans.
 Hugo stopped kissing her neck and looked at her. Her eyes are half lidded, antennas down and her lips open, taking deep breaths. He noticed her cheeks blushing red, skin full of goosebumps and her whole body slightly shaking, the same as her wings.
“Are you cold?” He asked with worry.
 She nods a bit and looks out to the tables. Drenching in rain was her cape that she wore to the party, before Hugo asked her for a dance. She felt his warm arms leaving her waist and leg, a step on cement is heard along with shuffling of fabric. Before Fia could figure out what was going on, she felt something warm on her shoulders. Once she looked at Hugo, she noticed his signature red coat missing, wearing only his knee-breeches.
 She felt blood rushing to her cheeks, slightly looking to the side, not to look at him, asking:
“Won’t you be cold?”
 Hugo gently smiles, amused by her reaction, before answering:
“I have fur, I’ll be fine. I can’t have my lady freezing.”
 Fia felt his warm palm on her cheek, gently pushing  to look at him. Her cheeks were still red from both cold and shyness. The emotions and needs all mixing together into something so… Intimate. She liked it, but wasn’t too sure if she wanted to be this… Intimate with him yet. She gave her upper pair of palms on both sides of his cheek, softly touching his scars, before slowly going down his neck and to his chest. Fia could feel Hugos heartbeat beating as if he was running for his life and felt his nervousness from his stare.
 Hugo took a deep breath to calm his quick beating heart, but he was excited. This moment was so wonderful, that he was curious if she felt the same. He gulped, to calm down his nervousness before he gently spoke: 
“I… I know this emotion we felt just now was a desire we both share for each other, but I wish to know something before we continue any further.”
She looked at him into his eyes, nervous, but curious. Hugo took her hands into his palms and gave a gentle squeeze before quietly asking:
“Do you wish to continue with this, my love?”
 Fia knew what he was asking about. She wanted to do it, but she didn’t feel ready to be at that stage of the relationship yet. She loved the chemistry they have and the desire that they just felt, but something was bugging at the back of her head for her not to do it. Fia took a deep breath, answering:
“I would love to, but I don’t feel ready for this step yet. I hope you’re alright with this.”
 She didn’t want to upset him, but she didn’t wish to force herself to do it. She wants it to be special, so she could remember it with a good feeling.
 Hugo sensed her being uneasy about the situation since she rejected the proposition of evening of desire. He wished to show her that he doesn’t mind it one bit. He started leaning forward toward her forehead and gently gave a kiss on it, before looking at her softly.
“That’s alright, love. I don’t wish to force you into it, if you don’t feel ready yet.”
 He felt Fia’s shoulder relax a bit. She softly smiled at him, leaning her head on him, while with her both pair of hands hugging him. Hugo smiled and hugged her back.
How did I get this lucky? He thought to himself, for he founded himself something more worthy than any riches in the world. His beloved Fia.
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the-monkey-ruler ¡ 2 years ago
so i did a deep dive today for this thank you for the new headcanon
i’m thinking yuán as in 猿 - 犭 = 袁
ape - animal radical = long cloth
like how 猻 - 犭 = 孫 = 孙 (simplified)
猻 is from 猴猻 hóusūn which means monkey
monkey - animal radical = grandson
孙悟空 • sūn wùkōng • grandson awakened to nothingness
袁巫支祁 • yuán wūzhīqí • long cloth great shaman/witch/sorcerer/wizard to support/bear/sustain
if you look at old chinese paintings of gibbons, they look like they have black bodies and white heads
btw i high recommend an evaluation of robert van gulik’s the gibbon in china and its place in modern sinological discourse on the academia app. it’s free and ripe with information about how gibbons were viewed and depicted in ancient china. robert’s book is damn expensive tho. i envy anyone who has their hands on it.
here’s an excerpt that surprised me:
The third theme is suggested in the following: “The gibbon is better than the monkey , the former is clean, gentle and recluse, the latter is dirty, noisy, greedy and vulgar” (“Mei yuan su hou”美猿俗猴) (TGIC 58). RvG thought this idea was pragmatic. Ancient Chinese literati like Wu Yun (“Poem of the Black Gibbon”) (TGIC 54-56), Li Deyu (“Poem of the White Gibbon) (TGIC 56-57), and Liu Zongyuan 柳完元 (773–819)21 (“Essay on the Hateful Monkey-breed” or “Zeng wangsun wen” 憎王孙文) (TGIC 54-56). Each compared the quarrelsome and volatile monkey with the aloof gibbon (TGIC 56). The lament is evidently directed against the people at court who caused their patron’s downfall (TGIC 57). Wu Yün, Li Deyu and Liu Zongyuan contrasted the violent and vulgar monkey with the high-minded and well-behaved gibbon. So the monkey is described as greedy, cruel and undependable, and ugly in appearance” (TGIC 57).
oh and the novel calls wūzhīqí great sage water ape… they were totally born from water. water egg? water womb?
and since it’s semi-popular in lmk fandom to make six-eared macaque a wind monkey due to the macaque king, that would leave red-buttocked horse monkey a fire monkey. red is the color of fire and the horse’s element is fire. in buddhism there are 4 great elements: earth, water, fire, and air so it all weirdly fits.
Oh damn you did such an AMAZING deep dive in both the language and history!! I adore it!!
I am aware the theory that Macaque King is the Six Ears is a common theory and with that the tie in with being the Great Sage of Ventilation, not just in LMK.
It would be cool if the Spiritual Primates had a connection to the elements, even if it is not the five. I actually forget that Buddism had its own elements that are technical since I always counted akasa/space.
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But perhaps if the idea that each primate is also birthed from inanimate objects perhaps something like
Stone - Wukong
Pearl - Wuzhiqi / Gibbon
Magma - Baboon
Tree Root - Macaque (since air is also connected to wood in Chinese lore)
If they were ever to use the Gibbon as either the same Wuzhiqi from the Yuan Xiyouji she would be an amazing addition, or perhaps they could have used the Sage leaning background as well. In either case, there's so much history when it comes to both primate lore that I really think there can be a lot done with these findings
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whisker-biscuit ¡ 4 years ago
Silent as the Grave Chapter 4: A Story for the Ages
Fandom: Sly Cooper
Summary: Inspector Pennington recounts a story about Connor Cooper, and a fateful decision is made.
Inspector Singh has a million questions on his mind, but he remains quiet as he goes to retrieve the records his partner has requested. That quiet lasts until the heavy folder of paperwork hits their shared work desk with a heavy thump.
“So, you planning on telling me why this particular criminal group is supposed to be related to the Cooper case?”
Francine’s ever-present frown is even more pronounced, and she opens the first labeled tab to pull out four photos. Then she places them side by side on her desk to face her partner and taps the child’s notepad list.
“Tell me what you see.”
Bodie looks across each picture.
A giant green frog in a blue metallic top hat sneers at the camera while adjusting the cuff links of his white gloves. An incredibly muscular bulldog wearing a wife beater and suit pants, caught in a grainy black and white picture from a camera feed as he holds twelve people hostage in a bank robbery. A panda, in only a pair of red pants, has at least five different kinds of fireworks strapped to his back with a separate rocket in his hand aimed right for whoever took the photo. The fourth picture is blurry and an almost intangible mess of colors, but half the head of an alligator with dark curls and a red bandana is recognizable in the bottom left side.
Bodie looks at the scribbled list. Frog. Dog. “Aligater.” Bear. He glances back at the pictures a second time.
“Alright, so four members of the Fiendish Five check out with the species,” the younger inspector says slowly as his mind churns. “And I know they’re an international criminal group, which would put them as potential suspects above a lot of others at least. But what made you think of them first? We’re not usually made to be aware of criminals outside of our assigned targets.”
The elephant has been flipping through the rest of the folder as her partner connected the dots, and she ignores his question until she finds what she’s looking for. She pulls it out triumphantly and holds it up.
“Because of this.”
It’s a fifth photo of the fifth member – but all Bodie can see is a vague bird-shaped silhouette against a darkened sky. He raises an eyebrow.
“Who is that supposed to be?”
“And…am I supposed to know this name?”
Francine sighs, exasperated, and rubs the space between her eyes with her trunk. “Why couldn’t they assign me someone who actually knows the Cooper case?”
“You’re the one who knows the Cooper case. I’m here because it was a double homicide with a witness, and Interpol needed info on the perps as soon as possible.” The sun bear plops into his desk chair like he hasn’t a care in the world, but there’s ice in his tone. “Which I got. So enlighten me, Ms. Expert. Who is Clockwerk and why does it matter so much?”
His partner shakes her head, having quietly accepted that winning this argument would get them nowhere. “Clockwerk is the fifth member and leader of the Fiendish Five, and the only reason we know that for sure is because of a three-way confrontation between us, him, and Connor Cooper about six or seven years ago.”
Bodie leans forward to grab the silhouette photo. He squints at it and makes a ‘go on’ motion with his hand. Francine rolls her eyes.
“I was leading a team to catch Cooper in the act of a heist, because we received an anonymous tip that matched up with his M.O. and his activity was starting to peter out around that time. Actually, that –” she snatches Sly’s birth certificate up and scans it, then grunts. “Yeah, that coincides with his child’s birth almost perfectly.”
“So, Cooper got busy and then realized he wanted to be a family man.”
“Not quite. He and his gang were still doing heists, just more sporadic. This one was his last big one though, because there was a run-in with the Fiendish Five that neither of us expected.”
“What makes you think he didn’t expect it? Cooper’s been known to drag other criminals into his messes all the time, right?”
“He didn’t expect it because Clockwerk almost killed him,” Francine states grimly. She steeples her fingers together to prop her mouth against them. “He was stealing from this massive corporation that had just unearthed the fabled Rockhopper Crusoe treasure in Chile, and I was laying in wait for him on the specific ship that was transporting it. Sure enough, he showed up along with his muscle man, Jim McSweeney, that very night. I was with a squad of four and we were less than a second away from revealing ourselves, when the sky went dark.”
The elephant pauses, expression glazing over in a memory for just a moment before returning to the present.
“It was Clockwerk. He was so big that hovering right over us blocked out the moon.”
“What happened?” Bodie asks, riveted by the story and surprised by the fact that he is.
“Chaos happened – my team and I watched as this massive, massive bird swooped down and made a grab for Cooper with his talons. The man barely got out of the way in time and so they went right through the hull of the ship instead. That was easily a meter of pure steel, pierced in one single blow. It was…it was terrifying.”
Francine has been through many close calls and brushed up against death more than once. But that moment, witnessing someone so monstrous in size, strength, and killing intent, had brought out a primal fear that she never even knew she had. It had been one of the most terrifying moments of the inspector’s life and she hadn’t even been the target of the great bird’s hatred.
She shakes off the shivers running up her spine and continues. “Of course, we had to make ourselves known right then because the ship started sinking, and we were afraid that Clockwerk would either kill Cooper or kill us unintentionally in his attempts to. The crew came up on deck too to see what was going on, and it was pandemonium. People were shouting and shooting and god knows what else.
“I still went after Cooper, because he was my target first and foremost. He and his crony were booking it for the far side of the ship – no doubt their getaway boat was that way – and I ran after them until Clockwerk landed right in front of the two.”
Bodie whistles. “How close were you?”
“I was behind Cooper and McSweeney about…probably about five meters or so. Close enough I could hear them talking.”
“They started talking? Just having a pleasant chat after the guy almost crushes his skull?”
“It was the farthest thing from pleasant, I can assure you.” Francine says flatly. “But to sum it up, Cooper called Clockwerk by name, asked him what he’d ‘been up to lately’, and the bird said he’d started assembling his own team.”
“The Fiendish Five.”
“Yes, although we didn’t have that name at the time.” The Chief Inspector picks up the photo of Clockwerk, almost clutching it to her chest in the way she examines it. “Clockwerk said one last thing before taking off, and I was too preoccupied with trying to stop Cooper and his crony from escaping to give it much thought at the time.
“He said, and I quote: ‘I look forward to meeting him.’ With the way both Cooper and McSweeney reacted, I’d thought he was referring to the third Cooper Gang member, Dr. Zaroff Mandrill, since he mostly worked on the technical aspects and almost never went into the field.”
They both look down at the homework assignment with the drawing of the silhouetted bird blocking out the moon.
“Do you think he told the kid?” Bodie asks after a long, shared silence.
“I don’t know. I don’t know why he’d ever have a reason to, but Cooper never ran by any logic I could follow.”
The sun bear sits back in his chair to stare at the ceiling in contemplation. “Well, even if the kid didn’t know about Clockwerk, Clockwerk sure knew about the kid. Wonder if he would’ve left him alone if he knew where he was in that house.”
“He had a grudge against Cooper strong enough for murder, and there’s a whole slew of heinous crimes credited to the Fiendish Five. I wouldn’t put pedicide past any of them.”
“So…what do we do?” Bodie eyes the homework assignment again.
“I’m going to start by opening an official investigation into Cooper’s murder. Publicly, we’ll announce that we’re looking into every conceivable source of the slaughter without mentioning the Fiendish Five at all. If they find out they’re the primary suspects, they’ll know someone was close enough to identify them. However, some of these criminal groups consider it an honor to have taken other high-profile groups out, so with any luck one of the Five will announce that they were the ones behind it. It won’t help us much in pinning them down to arrest, but it would be hard evidence for a long sentence at least.”
Francine writes out the plan as she says it, already making notes about who and what she’s going to get involved in the investigation. Inspector Singh starts taking his own memo.
“Leave the PR to me, I know how to spin a crowd and tease out the information we want released.”
“Fine. Good.” The elephant pauses, then points her pen at her partner. “Do not bring up Cooper’s child in any interviews or statements. Even if the Five weren’t planning on killing him too, it’ll be dangerous for knowledge of him to get out. Cooper’s old gang are still at large and they might whisk the boy off. That’s not even mentioning the countless other enemies Cooper has made through the years who might want their own form of revenge.”
“I’m already one step ahead of you,” he replies easily. “How’s this for a headline? Cooper Family Found Slain in American Suburb, Culprits Unknown. It’s the truth, we won’t have to mention the kid, and no one will be the wiser.”
She only grunts in response, her trunk pressed against her chin as she stares at the family information and tries to figure out what they’re going to do about the surviving child.
“We need to make him disappear completely,” the older inspector says softly. Bodie looks up, confused, and she clarifies. “Cooper’s son. He still needs to go somewhere. We can’t keep him in that hospital forever.”
Bodie follows her gaze to the stack of official documents on the desk. His eyes alight on the marriage certificate and a specific name jumps out.
Charlotte James-Cooper. James-Cooper. James.
“Then we won’t. We’ll give him a new identity and drop him off somewhere inconspicuous. No fuss, no media attention, just treat him like any other kid who’s in the system.” He taps a pencil to his snout. “Honestly, we don’t even really need to check up on him either. We already have the suspect list from him and I doubt there’ll be a will anyone can track since Interpol is going to seize all of Cooper’s assets. Maybe if the investigation runs cold or we need every gruesome detail of the attack, but that’s the only thing I can think of.”
Francine gives him a hard look. “You just don’t want to deal with him again.”
“You’re the one that said it out loud, not me.”
“Knock it off with the games. I hate games.” She shakes her head and turns back to her work. “Do we have a name for the boy? The sooner I can get legal documents made the better.”
“Sure do!” He points out the dead woman’s name with a grin. “Sylvester James. Close enough to make the paperwork easier but far enough that it won’t be immediately recognizable for anyone really looking.”
“That’s…actually not bad,” the elephant concedes.
“I have my moments.”
She adds the new name on her computer system, then stops. “The only issue with this plan is if the boy starts spouting off about his identity to people.”
“Francine, that kid is as silent as his dad’s corpse. I have a good feeling he’s not going to blab. And even if he does, people will think it’s just his imagination. Kid loses both his parents in a terrible accident, he happens to be a raccoon, and coincidentally Connor Cooper himself has been found slain in the same town. It will just look like this kid wants attention, closure, or both. The end.”
She can’t fault his logic, and so the separate requests are made to open a homicide investigation for Connor Cooper and create the needed documents for one Sylvester James. With finality, Chief Inspector Pennington sends both requests to their supervisor. Then she turns to her partner.
“It’s done. From now on, what happened in this office is classified information. No one can know the connection between this case and Sylvester.”
Detective Inspector Singh gives a single nod, more serious than he’s been the entire last day and a half.
“For all intents and purposes, Sly Cooper doesn’t exist.”
A/N: Well that statement won't backfire spectacularly lmao
This story is no longer dead! I can't believe it's been over a year and a half, and I honestly don't have any excuse beyond that I just....wasn't as interested in Sly for a while. Luckily for all of us, the interest is back full force and I have evening and weekend free time to actually write now! Hooray!
Apologies to everyone who waited patiently for this fic to update. You deserve a lot better, but I will try to make it up to you.Next chapter we'll get to see how the decisions made here affect Sly, and maybe get some outside perspective on things ;)
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myheartjamie-claire ¡ 5 years ago
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📚Excerpt From
The Fiery Cross
Diana Gabaldon📚
“How say ye, Mac Dubh? Heads or tails?”
Jamie wiped his mouth on his sleeve and smiled. Hairy as the rest, he looked a proper Viking, with the fire glinting red, gold, and silver from his sprouting beard and loosened hair.
“Nay bother, lads,” he said. “I’ll sleep warm enough nay matter how I’m laid.” He tilted his head in my direction, and there was a general rumble of laughter, with a spattering of mildly crude remarks in Scots and Gaelic from the Ridge men.
One or two of the new recruits eyed me with a brief, instinctive speculation, quickly abandoned after a glance at Jamie’s height, breadth, and air of genial ferocity. I met one man’s eyes and smiled; he looked startled, but then smiled back, ducking his head in shyness.
How the hell did Jamie do that? One brief, crude joke, and he’d laid public claim to me, removed me from any threat of unwanted advances, and reasserted his position as leader.
“Just like a bloody baboon troop,” I muttered under my breath. “And I’m sleeping with the head baboon!”
“Baboons are the monkeys with no tails?” Fergus asked, turning from an exchange with Ewald about the horses.
“You know quite well they are.” I caught Jamie’s eye, and his mouth curled up on one side. I knew what he was thinking, and he knew I did; the smile widened.
Louis of France kept a private zoo at Versailles, among the inhabitants of which were a small troop of mandrill baboons. One of the most popular Court activities on spring afternoons was to visit the baboon quarters, there to admire both the sexual prowess of the male, and his splendidly multicolored bottom.
One M. de Ruvel had offered—in my hearing—to have his posterior similarly tattooed, if it would result in such a favorable reception by the ladies of the Court. He had, however, been firmly informed by Madame de la Tourelle that his physique was in every way inferior to that of the mandrill, and coloring it was unlikely to improve matters.
The firelight made it difficult to tell, but I was reasonably sure that Jamie’s own rich color owed as much to suppressed amusement as to heat.
“Speakin’ of tails,” he murmured in my ear. “Have ye got those infernal breeks on?”
“Take them off.”
“What, here?” I gave him a wide-eyed look of mock innocence. “You want me to freeze my arse off?”
His eyes narrowed slightly, with a blue cat-gleam in the depths.
“Oh, it wilna freeze,” he said softly. “I’ll warrant ye that.”
He moved behind me, and the fierce shimmer of the blaze on my flesh was replaced by the cool solidness of his body. No less fierce, though, as I discovered when he put his arms round my waist and drew me back against him.
“Oh, you found it,” I said. “How nice.”
“Found what? Had you lost something?” Roger paused, coming from the horses with a lumpy roll of blankets under one arm, his bodhran under the other.
“Oh, just a pair of auld breeks,” Jamie said blandly. Under cover of my shawl, one hand slid inside the waistband of my skirt. “D’ye mean to give us a song, then?”
“If anyone likes, sure.” Roger smiled, the firelight ruddy on his features. “Actually, I’m meaning to learn one; Evan’s promised to sing me a silkie-song his grannie knew.”
Jamie laughed.
“Oh, I ken that one, I think.”
One of Roger’s eyebrows shot up, and I twisted slightly round, to look up at Jamie in surprise.
“Well, I couldna sing it,” he said mildly, seeing our amazement. “I ken the words, though. Evan sang it often and again, in the prison at Ardsmuir.
It’s a bit bawdy,” he added, with that faintly prim tone that Highlanders often adopt, just before telling you something truly shocking.
Roger recognized it, and laughed.
“I’ll maybe write it down, then,” he said. “For the benefit of future generations.”
Jamie’s fingers had been working skillfully away, and at this point, the breeks—which were his, and thus about six sizes too large for me—came loose and dropped silently to the ground. A cold draft whooshed up under my skirt and struck my newly bared nether portions. I drew in my breath with a faint gasp.
“Cold, isn’t it?” Roger hunched his shoulders, smiling as he shivered exaggeratedly in sympathy.
“Yes, indeed,” I said. “Freeze the balls off a brass monkey, wouldn’t it?” Jamie and Roger burst into simultaneous coughing fits.
SENTRY IN PLACE and horses bedded down, we retired to our own resting place, a discreet distance from the circle by the fire. I had dug the largest rocks and twigs out of the leaf mold, cut spruce branches, and spread our blankets over them by the time Jamie finished his last round of the camp. The warmth of food and fire had faded, but I didn’t begin to shiver in earnest until he touched me.
I would have moved at once to get under the blankets, but Jamie still held me. His original intent appeared intact—to say the least—but his attention was momentarily distracted. His arms were still clasped round me, but he was standing quite still, head up as though listening, looking into the murk of the wood. It was full dark; no more showed of the trees than the glow of fire reflected from the few trunks that stood nearest the camp—the last shadow of twilight had faded, and everything beyond was a depthless black.
“What is it?” I drew back a little, pressing instinctively against him, and his arms tightened round me.
“I dinna ken. But I do feel something, Sassenach.” He moved a little, lifting his head in restless query, like a wolf scenting the wind, but no message reached us save a distant rattling of leafless branches.
“If it’s no rhinoceroses, it’s something,” he said softly, and a whisper of unease raised the hairs on the back of my neck. “A moment, lass.”
He left me, the wind blowing suddenly cold about me with the loss of his presence, and went to speak quietly with a couple of the men.
And what might he feel, out there in the dark? I had the greatest respect for Jamie’s sense of danger. He had lived too long as hunter and as hunted, not to sense the edgy awareness that lay between the two—invisible or not.
He returned a moment later, and squatted beside me as I burrowed shivering into the blankets.
“It’s all right,” he said. “I’ve said we’ll have two guards tonight, and each man to keep his piece loaded and to hand. But I think it’s all right.” He looked beyond me, into the wood, but his face now was merely thoughtful.
“It’s all right,” he repeated again, more certainly.
“Is it gone?”
He turned his head, his lips curling slightly. His mouth looked soft, tender and vulnerable amid the stiff, ruddy wires of his starting beard.
“I dinna ken if it was ever there, Sassenach,” he said. “I thought I felt eyes upon me, but it could have been a passing wolf, an owl—or nay more than a restless spiorad, a-roaming in the wood. But aye, it’s gone now.”
He smiled at me; I saw the flicker of the light that rimmed his head and shoulders as he turned, silhouetted by the fire. Beyond, the sound of Roger’s voice drifted to me above the crackle of the fire, as he learned the melody of the silkie-song, following Evan’s voice, hoarse but confident. Jamie slid into the blankets beside me and I turned to him, cold hands fumbling to return the favor he had done me earlier.
We shivered convulsively, urgent for each other’s warmth. I found him, and he turned me, ruffling up the layers of fabric between us, so that he lay behind me, his arm secure around me, the small secret patches of our nakedness joined in warmth beneath the blankets.
I lay facing the darkness of the wood, watching the firelight dance among the trees, as Jamie moved behind me—behind, between, within—warm and big, and so slowly as scarcely to rustle the branches beneath us.
Roger’s voice rose strong and sweet above the murmur of the men, and the shivering slowly stopped.
📚Excerpt End📚
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ceruleanmusings ¡ 5 years ago
date preparations
fandom: avatar: the last airbender
rating: g
ship: michi (oc) & jin
summary: michi helps jin get ready for her date with zuko
note: i can’t help myself. i love writing these two
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Jin wrung her hands together, pulling her lower lip into her mouth. “So? ...What do you think?”
I think you look like you were trapped in a bad with a cat-owl!
But Michi couldn’t say that, not on such an important night, not when nerves radiated off Jin like the lapping wake on Lake Logai. Still, she couldn’t let Jin walk out with her hair like...like that. Forget the cat owl, she looked as if she’d been on the receiving end of a spark rock jab and it escaped through her head! So she shifted her face from reflecting shocked to a wincing distaste. Curling her lip, she lifted her hand and shook it from side to side.
Jin’s shoulders dropped with her heaving sigh. “I thought so. My mom thought I looked nice.”
Yes, well, her mother wouldn’t style know from a bar of soap but that was neither here nor there.
Clicking her tongue, Michi carefully set aside the scroll of parchment she’d been drawing on and rubbed her charcoal stained hands together, surveying the mass of hair...somehow still attached to Jin’s head.
Coils and curls stuck out one way, gravity-defying strands stuck this way and that. She really did a number on herself. Michi briefly wondered if she’d let her siblings help her; little Jiang had Jin wrapped around her finger. And then Ju-Long wouldn’t want to be left out even if styling hair was decidedly a girly thing to do.
“Do you think Lee would like it?”
Eyes widening, Michi pressed her lips together into a line and clasped her hands together. Rolling her eyes, Jin chuckled. “Alright, alright, I get it. Can you help me? Please?” When Michi lifted her hand and made a snipping motion, Jin’s smile immediately dropped and she shook her head. “You’re not funny, Mimi”
Grinning, Michi pointed to a seat nearby and went into the kitchen to find the tub. Her father gave it the most use, soaking his aching feet after being up and about all day. Speaking of which, Michi glanced at the sun dial that sat on the window sill nearby. Her mouth twisted to the side. Her father should’ve been home about an hour ago. She reached forward and pumped the handle on the pipe until water started to flow out. With a flick of her wrist, she bended out the dirt and sediment that dropped to the bottom of the tub and shot it out the window. Her held breath eased a few seconds later when the Dai Li didn’t come bursting through her door.
“I’m going to take him to that restaurant in the middle ring,” Jin said when Michi shuffled back into the living room, fifteen short steps from the attached kitchen. She set the tub down on the small table beside the couch that Jin lay on, her laced fingers resting on her stomach. “I haven’t been there in a while. I saved up for it, you know. I want everything to be perfect.”
Michi hummed as she removed the ribbon holding Jin’s hair up. She set it aside and gathered up her hair, her fingers sliding through whatever grease it was that she had applied and set it in the water. Immediately a film rose to the surface. Picking up a nearby comb, Michi began to carefully separate her hair. It wasn’t a royal combing fit for a princess but Jin may as well be one on this special night.
“I still can’t believe he said yes! Well, it was his uncle, but still! I went though so much tea...”
Michi’s lips curled upwards. Yes, looking back on it now, tackling every flavor and type of tea Pao’s offered just to put Jin within the vicinity of Lee was...an idea. But that was Jin; once her mind was on something it would take a herd of elephant mandrills to sway her course. And a few silver pieces to foot the bill. She did have to hand it to him, though, he and his uncle did know how to make a mean cup of tea.
Initially she continued to return for Jin’s sake, to watch and observe and wait to be needed. That focus shifted, however, the minute she picked up on Lee’s vibrations. It was a slow, almost undetectable, but Michi caught it. More like a steady pulse, a practiced heartbeat than an unleashed natural energy. A little too rhythmic. But it was a deep, aching pulse, one she felt in her bones.
And so she sat and sipped and watched and waited. For what, she wasn’t sure, but there was just something about him. And not in the golden way that Jin found him, like he was bathed in their kingdom’s infamous sunsets.
“Better?” Jin’s voice yanked Michi out of her thoughts. Blinking, she shook her head and dropped her hands from the ponytail she’d put into Jin’s hair. Holding up a finger, she signaled for Jin to wait as she went to retrieve a gold and green painted wooden box tucked into a corner, resting on the floor right beneath a hanging painting of a dark haired woman with kind, gray eyes. Pausing for a moment to straighten the image of her mother, she picked up the box and carefully opened it.
A row of small jars holding different colored powers stared back at her. She walked her fingers against the tops until she found a soft red she was looking for. Removing it, she set the box back and hurried back to Jin who still kneeled on the floor, a position she took on and held still since her hair was dried.
Removing the cap, Michi tapped the pad of her finger against the loose powder and carefully spread it across Jin’s cheekbones, applying a thin but natural-looking layer. Leaning back, Michi surveyed her, and then beamed, flashing a thumbs-up.
“Great!” Flinging herself forward, Jin wrapped her arms around Michi’s neck and gave her a squeeze. “Thank you so much, Mimi, I owe you one!” she said and placed a kiss on her cheek.
Cupping Jin’s cheeks, Michi lifted her face until they were eye to eye and mouthed, “Have fun!”
Jin dashed away as the last rays of sunshine dipped beyond the horizon and a blanket of darkness began to settle in. Michi frowned, sighed, and brushed her hands against the legs of her pants. Picking up her abandoned drawing, she ripped a corner off the parchment and scribbled a note, leaving it in a place she knew her father would see it whenever he returned.
Then he counted to twenty, slid open the front door, and closed it behind her. Out on the small porch she slipped her feet into her shoes and spotted Jin’s quickly growing smaller up ahead.
Michi set her jaw. Good. That was enough distance between them. Footsteps light and careful, she blended into the shadows as she retraced her friend’s steps, keeping an eye on her. Like always.
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pageofheartdj ¡ 3 years ago
JHGF Ended up making two others spiritual monkeys AND flashing out Macaque a bit more xD
First one, the oldest one, is The Red Bottom Mandrill. He has a name, not really canonical, but works for me xD Wu Zhiqi. He has two middle length tails with sand colored fur and blue face mark. There was an iceberg that stood for thousand years. One day it violantly split open revealing a small block of unbreakable ice. The waves send it to the ocean with currents taking it around the world. Until one day it returns to it’s icy home and splits open to reveal small monkey. His body doesn’t react to cold and he can go without the food for a long time. But the cold wastelands were empty and he became extremely lonely, so he left to find his peers. He traveled for a long time before he found anyone, by that time his heart grew accostomed to loneliness so he was hesitent to join them. But he found out everyone has a name, so he picked one for himself and decided to live just near them to learn but not interact. He later picks up dual swords.
The next one is The Long Armed Gibbon. The same thing with the name - Huo Jian xD There was sleeping volcano for thousand years and one day it’s suddenly activated and erupted. After the lava cooled down monkey crawled out from volcano’s crater. Coincidentally the dangerous band of demons were living near it and were terrorising the village and they were all trapped and killed by the lava. The village was unharmed. The people accepted the monkey as indirect saviour and let him live with them. He has third eye that is always closed. He can travel dreams and make astral projections. He has black fur with white face mark. He quickly picked up the craftsmanship and became very skilled with it. He was as masterful with his lance as with his witted tongue.
Wukong is well-known case.
Macaque’s birth I already told. The people blamed him for tree’s death, called a freak for his six ears and chased away. He was traveling for some time until he reached Flower Fruit Mountain and settled near it. Later he becomes Wukong’s sworn brother, Macaque Demon King. He never revealed his six ears to anybody but was thinking to open to Wukong as a sign of trust but didn’t get to. Later when he attacks him on the journey, he reveals his six ears and gets to be remembered in history as two different people.
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mexcraziness-art ¡ 4 years ago
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Monkie Kid/JTTW OC: Xie Pingheng
Okay, so this bio is going to be pretty messy, mostly because I’m really tired these days, but also because I’m still reading Journey to the West, and still waiting on the new seasons of the show. So I can’t go into details too deeply until I find out more, this is more of a general outline of what I have in mind for her so far!
Also note: Her human disguises and personality is vastly different from her real one, there will be a whole separate reference and bio for that!
Name: Xie Pingheng (谐平衡),Chi Kaoma Hou (赤尻馬猴) Nickname: Mandy Gender: Female
Xie Pingheng, also known as the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey/Mandrill or just „Mandy”, much like Wukong, she’s one of the Four Spiritual Monkeys, see the one and only mention in Journey to the West: „The second kind is the red−rumped mandril that knows all about the Yin and the Yang and human affairs, can go into or out of anywhere, and knows how to prolong its life and avoid death.”
Pingheng is the oldest out of the Spiritual Monkeys, she was born sometime during Phase II of the World, she was born from the separation of Heaven and Earth itself, representing the perfect balance of positives and negatives.
She basically grew up alongside the world coming into existence as we know it, so she soon understood the nature of existence itself, how positives and negatives make up everything in the world. Throughout her life she travelled the world, sometimes hiding, but usually disguising herself as a human. She learnt from many great and wise immortal masters, and soon mastered yin and yang herself, and gained complete immortality. She spent the next few hundred years moving between humans and celestials, she was interested in the comings and goings of her fellow celestials as much as she was in human affairs. During his time, she saw the damage rampaging demons and whimsy celestials can cause for the world. She soon grew resentful of her fellow mystical beings, and spent more and more of her time living amongst humans. She even considered completely abandoning her fellow celestials and just living as a human in disguise for the rest of eternity.
Around this time she heard of the Great Monkey King, Sun Wukong had been imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha himself after wreaking havoc in Heaven. She was intrigued by the existence of a fellow monkey celestial, but she decided to stay away. She didn’t want to be involved with such a troublesome celestial, much less one of her kind. However a few hundred years later, she stumbled upon him completely by accident while she was traveling by the Five Elements Mountain.
She took pity on him and stopped to talk to him for a while, out of curiosity if anything, they talked for a while and she almost pitied him enough to try to let him out from under the Mountain. Right until Wukong started ranting about how he’s going to take revenge against Heaven, which lead her to realise he’s no better than the other prideful and arrogant celestials and left him under the Mountain. She spent the next few hundred years living alone in a cave up in a random mountain, trying to figure out what she wants to do with herself. Until one day, a very-almost-dead Macaque literally dropped on her doorstep, who barely managed to get away after Wukong bashed his skull in with his staff after he tried to replace him on the Journey. Pingheng realised she couldn’t just let him die on her doorstep, took him in and healed him as much as she could, however even she couldn’t save his right eye. She almost felt bad for him when he woke up dazed and confused a couple of days later, however, her sympathy also quickly evaporated when he went off about how he’s going to kill Wukong the next time he sees him. She quickly realised this is going to get out of hand really fast, so she kicked him out, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire to come. After that, she moved close to the human village, but didn’t mingle with them too often, still unsure of her place. However (are you seeing the pattern here?) relatively soon after the Macaque incident, Xingti showed up on her doorstep, claiming the Jade Emperor himself invited Pingheng to join their celestial ranks in Heaven. Pingheng was distressed how did Heaven even find out about her existence, as she made sure to stay low and stay out of their sight as far as she could remember, to which Xingti revealed Wukong told them about a Mandrill, who’s just like him. Also, seeing the other monkey’s distress over the situation, Xingti became more forceful, trying to get her to come with her to Heaven, which lead to Tiengeng losing her temper, threatening Xingti and Heaven in furious rage if they don’t leave her alone, she’s going to erease they ever even existed.
Having had enough of demons, celestials and their constant meddling, Pingheng decided to permanently live with the humans, in a human disguise for the rest of eternity. She didn’t want to be associated with anyone troublesome, and SPECIALLY not with Heaven and the other 3 Spiritual Monkeys. That’s how she spent the next 600 years living amongst the humans, avoiding anyone who could inconvenience her in any way or form.
(The following is mostly relevant to the 4+1 Monkeys AU and the show)
Pingheng moved to Wan Qian Cheng sometime after Wukong sealed away DBK and lived there ever since. In the last 500 years she became a bit of a fan of humanity. Their technological and social inventions fascinated her beyond belief, especially combined with the fact, that at the end of the day, they’re just feeble mortals. In the past 500 years she made a bit of a hobby to learn and study everything humanity had to offer, which she’s still doing to this day. However, she also became very selfish during this time. Despite living amongst humans, she never worked for anything, she either ”convinced” humans to give her whatever she wanted, or just flat out stole what she needed. Also, as much as she likes humans and likes living amongst them, they also bore her very easily with their everyday troubles, so she only likes to interact with them when it’s convenient for HER.
She met MK, when the city was under attack by some demons (as always) and she got accidentally caught in the crossfire and MK saved her life. Or what actually happened, against her better judgement she got involved in celestial affairs for the first time in over 600 years, because she got curious about this human who seemed to have Sun Wukong’s powers, she got close to the conflict and let MK „save” her, just so she could see him for herself. After that she quickly grew a soft spot for him. She would never admit it to herself, but as much as she adored humans, she missed the company of other celestials, just a little. And MK was the perfect combination of both. A not-so-feeble human with the fun of celestials, without actually having the baggage of REAL celestials. Later she also became interested (read: grew concerned) about his training with the Monkey King and eventually got him to introduce her to Wukong. Thankfully Wukong didn’t see through her for quite a while, however, after she got revealed to be a fellow Spiritual Monkey, Pingheng, conflict soon blew up between them. Pingheng believed Wukong is a bad influence on MK, and Wukong accused Pingheng of only viewing MK as a special pet. In the end MK got her to try to mend her selfish ways, which resulted in her starting to work at Pigsy’s Noodles as a delivery girl.
Fundamentally Pingheng is a curious and caring person. She likes helping others, and learning new things and skills. However, as she saw the world change around her, all the problems, hardships, and suffering, she became more and more closed off and selfish. She prefers to stay in her own little bubble and only interact with others when it’s convenient for her. She likes to go her own way and do things her own way. She wholeheartedly despises celestials, because for they basically have unimaginable powers all they still do is hurt eachother and others. Humans are nothing more than a passionate fascination for her. She loves them, loves their determination, and creativity, and she’s in awe of how they shaped the world around them, but at the end of the day she has a rather condescending opinion of them. How they’re only just feeble mortals, desperately trying to make their mark on the world before they inevitably die and start over. However, beneath all the selfishness and condescending arrogance, she still has kindness in her, and after meeting MK she doubts her selfish way of life more and more, as she does genuinely enjoy human connections and helping others.
Powers and Abilities: She has all the standard abilities of a Spiritual Monkey and Immortal, including: -Immortality (She’s constantly renewing her essence with her yin and yang magic, basically constantly prolonging her life, she can choose to stop doing this anytime and die if she wants to) -Super strength and super speed -Chi manipulation -Cloud Generation -Flight
Other Abilities: -Shapeshifting (much like Wukong, she can’t change her tail) -Clones (She creates them from her own essence, they’re all just as really her as she is) -She has full understanding of yin and yang, this makes her magic incredibly powerful, granting her the ability to control the essence of existence itself -Manipulation: She can „charmspeak” people and other celestials, she just has to use a certain tone to ask for something and they’ll give/tell her whatever she wants
Weapon: Her staff is her main weapon, besides her magic. There isn’t really anything special about it, it’s just a regular wooden staff. She uses it to channel her magic and uses chi enhanced attacks with it.
Sun Wukong: They mutually can’t stand each other with Wukong. Pingheng views him as a selfish, prideful, dangerous asshole, whose arrogance only got worse after he completed the Journey to the West and became a legendary hero. She generally prefers to stay as far away from him as possible. Her distaste for him only grows stronger when she becomes friends with MK, fearing Wukong is a bad influence on MK. However, after some self-reflection and understanding Wukong’s past better, she grows to understand him a little better. She’s still generally annoyed with him, but she doesn’t outright hate him anymore.
MK: She’s probably in the Top 3 members of the MK Fanclub. Initially she was only curious about him, a human with celestial powers, but after meeting him she quickly grew super fond of him and he became one of her favourite people even faster. However, her fondness for him initially was more along the lines of having a special pet, than actually liking him for who he is. For a long time she only viewed him as a human with more extras, he’s not a REAL celestial. Which hurt MK a lot when he found out that she thought of him like that. Unfortunately, by that time Pingheng had genuielly grown to like MK as a person, his snark, his creativity, his kindness, so she actually felt guilty for having hurt him that way. After that she decided to try to be better and be less self-interested and try to open up to other people, so she can be a better friend for MK. Macaque: Her relationship with Macaque is… complicated. Being opposites, both of them being born from the opposing primordial forces, she feels a familiar connection with him. She feels sympathy for him, for the life he had, but she also resents him for the choices he made, being on a bit of a high horse. Probably the clearest emotion she has towards him is pity. She also prefers to stay at a distance from him, but for reasons completely different compared to Wukong. She would never admit it, but deep down she fears if she ever looked at him too closely, if she got to know him better, she’d see a part of her reflect back from him, and she doesn’t want to think about that. However later, after Macaque’s redemption, they’ll actually bond quite a bit, and generally be on the same wavelength specially concerning familiar relationships. They’ll mostly bond over their trouble connecting with others, letting others close to them and forming relationships.
Liang Xingti: Much like Wukong, initially Pingheng didn’t have a good opinion of Xingti. For the longest time she saw her as any other arrogant, busy-body heavenly warrior, not knowing how to mind her own business. She was just Heaven’s lap dog in her eyes, who would mindlessly serve Heaven until her last breath. She just generally looked down on her for serving Heaven. However, after Xingti and Wukong captured Macaque and the 4 Monkeys started working together she had been pleasantly surprised. She found out Xingti actually has a personality outside of serving Heaven, and she’s actually a fun person to be around. She still views the human world the freshness and awe Pingheng had almost forgotten, has a raw sense of humor and is genuinely kind. They quickly became really close friends, and confidentials of eachother.
Pigsy/Tang/Sandy: When she agreed to work at the noodle shop, she didn’t think „Pigsy” would be the same Pigsy who went on the Journey with Wukong over 500 years ago. This pissed her off to put it lightly, she just agreed to open to and mingle with people more, she didn’t expect to be thrown in the deep end with the three celestials she wanted to meet the least. This threw them for a pretty rocky start, with Pingheng being generally hostile and borderline rude with everyone, however, with time, and Sandy’s eternal patience she realised they have a lot more in common with her than she initially realised. This is pretty much what I have in mind so far, I'm sure I left out a lot, I'll add them later when I remember them! And hopefully I'll draw a ref of my other OC, Mandy, the 4th Spiritual Monkey soon as well!
Art by @mexcraziness-art
Xie Pingheng belongs to @mexcraziness-art
Monkie Kig belongs to Lego
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